mercoledì 22 ottobre 2008

Matrix Prevented

M. se devi comportarti cosi,
preferisco rimanere sveglio tutto la notte.
Avvisami pero' in anticipo,
che magari mi aiuto
con una caraffa di caffe' colombiano

martedì 21 ottobre 2008

Annoying Untitled



Drink me, make me feel real
Wet your beak in the stream

Game we're playing is life
Love is a two way dream

Leave me now, return tonight
Tide will show you the way
forget my name
You will go astray
Like a killer whale
Trapped in a bay


I'm a whisper in water
Secret for you to hear
You are the one who grows distant
When I beckon you NEAR


Is this the... RApTurE?